Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Diane Lazarus the psychic court adviser???

Every now and then we come across psychics and mediums who appear to be pushing the boundaries of honesty , good working practise and even moral behaviour. We can only go by what we read and discover for ourselves. We can put the information forward, what you make of it is, of course, up to you.
So, lets look at our latest “psychic medium” to come under the spotlight .

Diane Lazarus is 42 years of age and married to a solicitor. She has two children and has appeared on television , in magazines and in newspapers, ALMOST reaching celebrity status, which appears to be her aim. She is one of the top five psychics in the world. This is stated on her web-site and in many interviews. Everyone seems to be at a loss as to how she came by this information as she seems to be the only person who knows about it. But then she is psychic !
This is not about fraudulent mediumship although it is questionable whether this could be added to the list . This is about the possibility of false claims, questionable working practises and worrying links between her “psychic” work and the legal system. So, let us start piecing together (or rather taking apart) the world of this self proclaimed psychic medium.
Lets begin by outlining her work and her business interests. We will go into more detail about some of these subjects as the report continues. Some of the issues raised might not be legally questionable but let us ask ourselves if they are morally right, remembering at all times that this lady claims to work for spirit and in the spiritualist way.
Psychic Detective Agency - Yes, that’s right, a psychic detective agency. According to media sources, on the back of certain successes our psychic set up a business for people suspecting their partners of cheating. Using her psychic abilities and with the help of more conventional methods she sets out to put peoples minds at rest, or prove their worst fears right in regards to their relationships.
Aid to the Police - In many interviews our psychic as claimed to have worked with police forces all over the country in cases of murder and missing persons. She even goes as far as to claim she has helped “solve” many of these cases.
Advisory service to the Legal Profession - This covers many ways in which she claims to help with the conviction of criminals in this country.
Writer of Books and Producer of CD’s - Many of her books and CD’s are available to buy. They cover many subjects and no doubt help pay the bills with just a “little” to spare.

Private Readings - Despite her very hectic life she still finds time to give readings of all types. Tarot, mediumship (or maybe a mix of the two), by phone or face to face this lady does it all.
Psychic to the Celebrities - Among her “clients” it is claimed she has the rich and the famous. From her they get an insight into what the future holds and advice about relationships and work. She also claims to have business people queuing up for her service especially around the time of every new financial year. No doubt many will make their business plans around what she says.
Tutor - Our psychic runs training courses in all aspects of mediumship and work of a psychic nature.
Some of the areas mentioned speak for themselves but there are certainly a few that warrant looking at in more detail, so let’s do just that.
Aid to the Police - As previously mentioned one of the claims she makes is that she not only works with police forces investigating crimes of a violent nature or missing persons, but has been a big part in solving the cases. Among her successes , it is clamed, are the Jill Dando Murder, the case of Mark Green ( an art lecturer who was found murdered), the case of missing Sandhurst Cadet Blake Hartley and the investigation into the Joanne Young murder. Very helpfully she became involved in the Suffolk murder case giving officers information she “knew” would be relevant to the case and lead to the conviction of the killer. Most recently she has become involved in the case of Madeleine McCann, travelling to Portugal to offer her services.
It would appear at first sight that these are indeed positive uses of her abilities however let us delve a little deeper. First of all on researching these cases and comparing the information she offered with the actual outcome of the cases there seems to be very little, if any, similarity.
In the case of the tragic Suffolk murders she describes a lonely “hoodie” engaged in religious rituals. Not much of a similarity to the later convicted Steven Wright as 48 year old forklift driver. Despite much searching we have been unable to find any evidence of correct information given by this psychic in regards to this case.
In the case of Jill Dando and Diane Lazarus’s claims that she was involved in the subsequent arrest of the man responsible we would be interested to hear her response to the fact that the man convicted has since been found innocent and all charges dropped.
The case of Joanna Young remains unsolved despite our psychics claim to have helped the police in the case.
Very recently the psychic has made claims that a case of murder closed 50 years ago has been re-opened based on evidence she has given. Official sources tell us a different story, suggesting that in fact the case was re-opened as part of the Major Crime Review Unit set up to reinvestigate unsolved crimes using the latest DNA testing and other forensic techniques.
The list goes on and although no-one can get it right all of the time we would expect evidence that one of the “top five psychics in the world” has got it right at least some of the time. It is also a little confusing to find that the police forces she claims to have helped deny any dealings with her at all. Indeed in some cases they even deny any knowledge of her or of ever hearing her name. This is evidenced in letters gathered by various people in response to questions asked on this subject, sources that we have no reason to doubt. Of course the question must be asked “even if she was involved would the police admit it ? “ possibly not we must admit, however responses given do appear very firm and very clear. But let us take this issue and look at it in more detail. We all know the police would be unlikely to admit to the use of psychics in the investigation of such cases, in fact it is very likely they are told in no uncertain terms not to do so. This no doubt would be the argument used in defence of the lady in question. However, in some interviews she goes as far as to name police officers she has had involvement with and the crime in question. Even more surprising when the investigation has been ongoing. A case of you can’t have it both ways we feel. As an example, in an article from one of her local papers we read the following :-“Detective Constable for the ************ police force, DC Daly confirmed that Diane Lazarus has been helping with the case although no more details could be given as the case was ongoing”.
We could continue on this topic for many more pages however the content would be very much the same so we will continue to the next subject.
Advisory service to the Legal Profession - This is actually one of the issues that concerns me the most. I admit of course to being sceptical of psychic and mediumistic ability but even those who believe must admit the evidence this lady gives is far from correct in most cases. Taking that into account I would hope that most people would find the following information of concern. I would like to clarify at this point that what I am about to type is not allegation made by sceptical sites or in the media but is actual information available for all on the psychics web-site and in various media interviews given by herself.
Her claim is that she assists her husband in his court work and has liaised with him and Queens Counsel in a number of murder trials. In her own words :-“He (her husband) has taken me to murder scenes and had me describe in front of QC’s what happened in the murder case ”This I find worrying enough but it is the next part of the quote that particularly concerns me :-“I go to court with him quite often. When I see the person in the stand I’ll ask him to ask a certain question and it often opens a can of worms.”
So it appears her husbands questioning of witnesses and those accused is often determined to some extent on the word of a Psychic, who happens to be his wife. It was my understanding that during a trial of any nature it was only the legal teams that could have influence during a court case. If this lady is allowed therefore to intervene and suggest questions, would it not only be fair to allow members of the jury or even those in the public gallery to do so ? Surely unless Diane Lazarus is formally made a member of the defence or prosecution team (and has the relevant training and qualifications to do so) then at that point she is merely a “member of the public” and should have no influence what-so-ever on the case being tried;. How many of you would be happy being put in the stand knowing this to be the case, remembering of course her apparent lack of success in other areas of her work. Is the legal system now allowing this type of intervention ?
On a slightly different subject but added here due to it’s link with legal issues of a sort is the interesting appearance of a link to an interview with this psychic. This wouldn’t be unusual if it were not for the fact that the site the link is found on is actually a site about mortgages and the business and financial world around them at the current time. Amongst links to legal sites, business sites and property sites there is the sentence “ I am not blessed to have this gift” this is the link that leads you to the interview. Nothing in the interview relates to the subject of the web-site I hasten to add. Her husband is involved in the legalities around the buying and selling of houses, however it would be unfair of us to draw any conclusion from that at this time.
Writer of Books and Producer of CD’s - Everyone has a right to make a living and these days writing books and the such is a big part of the world of the psychic and medium. It is not for this specifically that I focus on this issue but more for the content of one particular CD she has produced.
To begin this section I would like you all to consider the subject of children and the use of psychic ability/ mediumship. From the vast number of mediums and psychics I have spoken to I have come to the conclusion that the majority ( if not all) are in agreement that children should be allowed to be children, that life is enough of a mystery at a young age without the added confusion of the weird world of psychic phenomenon and spirit communication. (I use “weird world” as in how most youngsters would see it). Children need to learn about life before they start trying to solve the mysteries of death surely. Even the spiritualist churches have deemed it inappropriate to involve people under a certain age to get involved in such subjects, making it clear that no-one under the age of 18 years can be given a message. Stating that messages concerning young people must be given to the adult accompanying them. There is even the suggestion that a ruling is to be passed preventing young children being allowed to attend open circles in Spiritualist churches. Some churches have already put this in place.
It appears however that our Spiritualist trained psychic/medium feels she knows better than anyone else. Her two children now aged 12 and 19 have, in her words “been displaying psychic abilities for years”. She even states “ My son **** already uses his ability” (Her son is the 12 year old).
She also claims that her daughter drew on spirit to help her pass her GCSE’s. I’m not sure in which way she means this but the less worrying meaning would be that spirit helped her to cope with the pressures of the exams. The other option of course is that spirit actually helped her during the exam which is a huge leap forward from our tricks of hiding notes in calculators or writing notes on our arms. But, joking aside is it really a good idea that youngsters are encouraged to use spirit in this way, shouldn’t young people learn their own ways of coping and use their own strengths ? Isn’t part of personal growth and development about finding your own courage and determination ?
Of course it is up to our psychic to decide what she does or doesn’t encourage her children to do. Whatever our feelings and opinions we have no real right to comment. However, she is also encouraging other parents to introduce their children to the world of the psychic medium, producing a CD called “It’s All In a Dream” designed to help children who have psychic abilities to recognise and use them.
There is also another CD I would like to mention. The description of it reads “A powerful CD..an effective way of helping you to fight any illness or disease by the power of the mind”. I know many healers and many people who believe in relaxation and other techniques to help people “cope” with illness and to make their lives a little more comfortable. The term to “fight” would suggest a winning of a battle against an illness and for many would give the impression and hope that through this they could be “healed” in the real sense of the word. I think most people would agree that this is undoubtedly a false hope.
Private Readings- Despite so many different ventures Diane Lazarus still does private reading for people. Here are just a few letters put on her site. You may notice some suggestion of confusion over the psychic/medium issue plus I would like to draw your attention to the predictions mentioned. I agree that psychics work under different rules to mediums in regard to predictions but I would imagine anyone with an ounce of personal responsibility would consider the possible implications of passing certain information on. I have included only excerpts from letters and have omitted the names, having said that on the site itself the names are only given in initials for the most part. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has had a reading off this lady.
Letters from Satisfied Customers
“Everything you said in those readings have since come true, even my mothers diagnosis and since recovery from bowel cancer”
From my experience both psychics and mediums stay away from predictions about health and certainly from diagnosing health problems. This is not because of them trying to get out of giving evidence. This is because the spiritualist religion and practice state the spirit world does not predict. And any medium claiming to be spiritualists are bound by self responsibility.

“I had lots of thoughts in my head. Dianepicked up on this. She made me understand that all these thoughts were spirit and spirit guides talking to me. I had psychic ability ! “
Spot the contradiction ! Spirit and Spirit Guides have nothing to do with psychic ability but with mediumship !

“It WAS a prediction, you said my grandfather was telling you I would be back acting in June”
Again this seems somewhat confusing. Psychics predict the future but in this case our psychic medium seems to be using mediumship and yet a precise prediction was given. As\far as we are aware, spiritualist mediums do NOT use spirit to predict future events in any way, shape or form.

“Diane told me I would come into money on the lottery and two weeks later I won £8,000”
It’s nice to see a happy ending, but lets consider the other scenario, where this is predicted and someone goes out and spends money week after week on the lottery based on such a prediction, only to find it was a prediction that didn’t come to fruition. It is up to the sitter how they act on evidence and information given of course but is it really morally right to encourage people to gamble based on psychic intuition ? Intuition which has been proven to not always be right . In fact, from speaking to many renowned psychics and mediums we have it on good authority that this sort of precise predication is very much frowned upon, and with good reason.
Finally in the more professionally based testimonial section of her web-site we find this letter, written by the Author R. B. Hinton. I can’t find anything on the internet about this person so I would be interested to hear from anyone who knows of him. In his letter he talks about a meeting he had with Diane Lazarus while he was researching a book about local murders. He states with some enthusiasm how she got many things correct. The letter goes on for some time singing the praises of Daine Lazarus and her ability, finishing off with the following :-“I would be quite willing to answer any questions you may have about this subject”
We would of course very much like to speak to Mr. Hinton and ask him to share with us the details of his meeting with Diane however as strange as it seems no contact details were given in any way shape or form.
Psychic to the Celebrities - There is not much I can say about this as although the plural is used there is only one celebrity mentioned on any site or in any interview relating to this psychic. That celebrity is Bonnie Tyler and we are currently trying to contact her to ask her for confirmation that she is indeed a client of the lady in question.
Tutor - It would not be right for us to comment on this particular psychics ability to teach however one particular course did catch our eye. Not for the quality of the teaching unfortunately but for the location and price. So, for those of you who might be interested…
You could be part of a 4 day course covering psychic development and mediumship.. interested ? You might reconsider when you find out it is to be held in Egypt (ok a very interesting place) but will cost you £500. In addition the £500 ONLY pays for the course. Accommodation and travel expenses will be yours to pay on top of this fee.

Over the next few months we will be continuing to look into this psychic medium and the claims she makes. We will also be asking many questions of the relevant authorities regarding her assistance in certain areas of the legal system. This article will be updated as and when new information comes to light and when information already gathered, but not mentioned, is clarified and researched further. In the meantime we would welcome any responses to this article giving your views on any aspect of what has been disclosed or information on other psychic/mediums you feel are acting in a similar way.

Recently we have contacted media both local to Daine Lazarus’s home town and on a national level. Putting our other concerns to one side the main focus of our concern was the issue over her involvement with the legal system and her court intervention in particular. Although we are still waiting to here from these media groups it now seems unlikely they will be taking the matter further. The reasons for this lack of interest have not been given and for that reason we must draw our own conclusions. To quote Mrs. Lazarus will it “open a can of worms”, and could it be that in some cases the fact Diane Lazarus actually writes columns for these newspapers is an issue ? We are currently not going to mention these newspapers in order to give them time and a fair chance to approach the subject, however when we are certain the matter is indeed going to be ignored the papers and media groups involved will be named. If any media groups are interested in this story and wish to discuss the issues with us please contact us at Esoteric Online Radio.
And Finally
We can only put the evidence forward as we see it. We can only express our views and opinions based on the evidence as we see it. We cannot accuse Diane Lazarus of anything illegal we can merely question the legalities and morality of what she is doing and put our concerns forward into the public domain. Your final decision about this lady and her working practises is of course down to your own personal choice.


Genie said...

Had a reading with her 2 years ago and she was amazingly accurate. Naming names connected to me and only things that I would know. I went with a blank mind, determined not to even thinks about anything so she could not pick up any thoughts. The only way you'll find out the truth is to have a reading with her yourself before ranting off.

Unknown said...

I have visited Diane Lazzarus last weekend.
Very happy with her service. The readings were amazingly accurate. She is the best medium I have met in the UK so far.

Daimon Koh said...

Diane's reading was amazingly detailed with foreign names, dates and specific descriptions.
She is good and very real!

Karen pron Care-Ran said...

I’m not impressed with what I’ve read so far on her Maddie McCann theory, but I watched her working on the Cpt Robert Nairac case, which she claims she was approached by ex soldier & Documentary maker Alan Barry, she also claims she did the job out of the goodness of her heart.
I got this paragraph about her view on Jill Dando from the Daily Express, of which she states, the police have wrong man which contradicts what you may have read,.>>>>Quote, “These days I sometimes help the police in investigations. When Jill Dando was killed, I was asked by a criminologist if I could come up with any new information. As I stood across the road and focused on her house, I felt her hovering behind me. “He’d been watching me for a while,” she said. “I knew him. I’d seen his face.”

Later Barry George, the man who was eventually convicted of her murder, was arrested, but I’m not convinced it was him. It was too calculated, it wasn’t a random killing, although I’m sure the truth will come out one day.

Bec said...

I had a reading down with Diane in jan and after feeling a bit sceptical about it I went for another reading 6 weeks later. Just used different photos but asked the same time question. Both readings was completely different

Bec said...

I had a reading down with Diane in jan and after feeling a bit sceptical about it I went for another reading 6 weeks later. Just used different photos but asked the same time question. Both readings was completely different

Bec said...

I had a reading down with Diane in jan and after feeling a bit sceptical about it I went for another reading 6 weeks later. Just used different photos but asked the same time question. Both readings was completely different

Bec said...

I had a reading down with Diane in jan and after feeling a bit sceptical about it I went for another reading 6 weeks later. Just used different photos but asked the same time question. Both readings was completely different

Bec said...

I had a reading down with Diane in jan and after feeling a bit sceptical about it I went for another reading 6 weeks later. Just used different photos but asked the same time question. Both readings was completely different

Bec said...

I had a reading down with Diane in jan and after feeling a bit sceptical about it I went for another reading 6 weeks later. Just used different photos but asked the same time question. Both readings was completely different

Bec said...

I had a reading down with Diane in jan and after feeling a bit sceptical about it I went for another reading 6 weeks later. Just used different photos but asked the same time question. Both readings was completely different

Bec said...

I had a reading down with Diane in jan and after feeling a bit sceptical about it I went for another reading 6 weeks later. Just used different photos but asked the same time question. Both readings was completely different

Bec said...

I had a reading down with Diane in jan and after feeling a bit sceptical about it I went for another reading 6 weeks later. Just used different photos but asked the same time question. Both readings was completely different